ElectroWolff Games http://www.electrowolff.com/ * * * Privacy policy for "Border Siege" Android game * * * 1. If you are playing the free version of Border Siege then no information about you is collected or stored, and nothing is sent from the device. 2. The ONLINE component of Border Siege does send some information over the internet, primarily during registration. When you register to play Border Siege online you must provide a valid email account, a username, and a password. If you login using Google+ then a password is not required, but your email will still be sent and stored on the Border Siege server. At no point does Border Siege collect, transmit or store any other personal information about you. 3. Data storage: user data is stored on a private server located in the United States of America. At the users personal request any registration information can be removed from the server. Aside from the registration information covered in (2), the Border Siege server also stores relevant game information such as current games, player stats, player friendships, private messages, etc. This information will never be accessed or used for anything other than expected game behavior OR debugging and development. 4. User emails: the email address that is collected during registration will never be sold or otherwise accessed by any other party. Email address collection is strictly limited to registration and login, as well as identifying a player for friend requests. The only email messages that will ever be sent by Border Siege will be for account activation or password resets. 5. If you have any other concerns about your data usage or privacy, please contact me directly and I'll promptly answer your inquiry as well as update this document: Brian DeWolff brian.dewolff@gmail.com Or on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/electrowolff * * * Android permissions: android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - network connectivity in online play android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS - Google push notifications android.permission.INTERNET - online play and loading announcements android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - load saved games and load custom maps android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE - retrieve device ID for Scoreloop login android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS - Google+ login android.permission.VIBRATE - vibrate device when receiving notification android.permission.WAKE_LOCK - wake up the device to check for notifications android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - save games com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE - validate your purchase on first launch com.game.drisk.permission.C2D_MESSAGE - Google push notifications com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE - Google push notifications * * * Updated: Nov 6th 2014