Border Siege // Maps


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The Bronze Age Greek trading empire of the Mycenaeans.
Feb 2025: v2 with revised values and one new link
655 downloads, 0 ratings
v2, 2025-02-15


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The 15th c. Aztec Empire, including the Triple Alliance of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan in an inset map... creating a new challenging play dynamic.

v6 improved clarity with wireframe map
1196 downloads, 2 ratings
v6, 2025-02-15


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The African continent, with most countries represented.
Feb 2025: New version with coastal links.
1343 downloads, 3 ratings
v3, 2025-02-15


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A map of the 'stans, including the Hindu Kush and the Khyber Pass. Version 3 prunes links for better play dynamics and revises region values down.

by Solonaut
1183 downloads, 5 ratings
v3, 2024-08-24


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A view of Earth in Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion projection (oriented east). Includes additional territories & links beyond Dymaxion Earth I.
747 downloads, 1 rating
v2, 2024-08-19


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A large map (28 regions, 59 territories) based on the Persian Empire at its greatest extent, c. 490 BC, under Darius I. Includes numerous mountain barriers, from the Caucasus to the Hindu Kush.

v4 adds links to Cyprus & Dahae and adjusts values of Egypt & Arabia.
1690 downloads, 4 ratings
v4, 2024-08-19


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A historically oriented risk map focusing on strategy
400 downloads, 0 ratings
v2, 2022-05-29


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367 downloads, 0 ratings
v3, 2022-05-20