Border Siege // Maps
raphael franchi
3 maps
...with 3204 downloads and 6 ratings.


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Map from the Anglo-Saxons wars
996 downloads, 1 rating
v1, 2015-11-02


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Map of the known world at the Age of Alexander.

I Modified continents and their points.

Hope is more fun.
855 downloads, 1 rating
v1, 2015-02-06


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This was the known world at the age of Alexander.

I did my best to be most close to historically borders, but I had to sacrifice some history for game balance.

Also Arabia was added, but at the age of Alexander he just thought to invade that country but never did.

Enjoy my map, any advice would be really appreciated (

1353 downloads, 4 ratings
v3, 2015-02-06