Border Siege // Maps
Gl Pfeniger
4 maps
...with 3512 downloads and 3 ratings.


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1028 downloads, 1 rating
v1, 2014-09-22


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The homeland of men once controlled by the mighty Rateroroth Empire was abandoned in the pursuit of Bu'Rateer and has been left to the tribal warfare it once lived for. While the bonuses may be small every last one of them counts on this crowded continent.
822 downloads, 2 ratings
v1, 2014-05-19


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The homeland of the Mer or Elves as we would call them was seldom fought over but as the Qu'Ester Dominion's influence left the land civil war rose. This is were you come in to quell the rebellions and instate yourself as ruler.
808 downloads, 0 ratings
v1, 2014-05-19


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On the world of Terre four super nations coexist on a small continent each originating from a different and humble continent. Men of the Rateroroth Empire inhabit Rateran and Boroth, while Mer guided by the Qu'Ester Dominion take B'Quar, Q'Theer and Coto. Met from the Ziister Republic such as the Orc's inhabited Zilk while the Tar beast races under the Milorth Alliance took Intorth and Mozarth. The last two provinces of this proud continent, Mo'Heer and Z'Kozo were lost to tribal rebellion never to be recovered until you came along.
854 downloads, 0 ratings
v1, 2014-05-19