Border Siege // Maps
G. Wayne Meaney
G. Wayne Meaney
17 maps
...with 18708 downloads and 43 ratings.


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A map of the ancient Nubian Kingdom of Kush. The Kushites conquered Egypt and ruled for a century as the black pharaohs in the 8th c. BC.

v2 significantly alters the circuitry around the eastern Mediterranean and across the Red Sea to improve sluggish movement.
788 downloads, 2 ratings
v2, 2020-08-12


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A view of Earth in Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion projection (oriented west). Features all continents including Antarctica.

v2 adds a link from Africa to Antarctica and increases the value of Antarctica to +2
867 downloads, 1 rating
v2, 2020-08-05


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The Bronze Age Greek trading empire of the Mycenaeans.
518 downloads, 0 ratings
v1, 2020-04-23


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A large map (28 regions, 59 territories) based on the Persian Empire at its greatest extent, c. 490 BC, under Darius I. Includes numerous mountain barriers, from the Caucasus to the Hindu Kush.

v4 update corrects a spelling error
1555 downloads, 4 ratings
v3, 2019-06-25


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The 15th c. Aztec Empire, including the Triple Alliance of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan in an inset map... creating a new challenging play dynamic.

v5 improved detail and clarity in inset thumbnail
1064 downloads, 2 ratings
v5, 2019-06-25


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A view of Earth in Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion projection (oriented east). Features all continents including Antarctica.
622 downloads, 1 rating
v1, 2017-12-30


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A larger map of Europe with greater variety than the stock Europe map. Russia is discontiguous between Kaliningrad Oblast, an exclave on the Baltic Sea, and the disputed Crimean peninsula, creating a difficult region to hold.
v2 added new links (Spain-Greece, Norway-Finland) and revised bonus values.
726 downloads, 1 rating
v2, 2017-12-30


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A map of the 'stans, including the Hindu Kush and the Khyber Pass. Version 2 is significantly revised as the online play was too flat: removed Russia; added another Uzbek province; re-drew Tajikistan links and others; and revised region values.

— by Solonaut
1060 downloads, 5 ratings
v2, 2017-01-05