Border Siege // Maps


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534 downloads, 2 ratings
v1, 2017-04-13


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553 downloads, 2 ratings
v1, 2017-02-23


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672 downloads, 1 rating
v1, 2017-02-23


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A map of the 'stans, including the Hindu Kush and the Khyber Pass. Version 2 is significantly revised as the online play was too flat: removed Russia; added another Uzbek province; re-drew Tajikistan links and others; and revised region values.

— by Solonaut
1082 downloads, 5 ratings
v2, 2017-01-05


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This is the classic D&D world of Mystara. Some region names may not match; the map wasn't originally made for this type of game after all.
860 downloads, 1 rating
v1, 2016-09-27
by A W


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775 downloads, 2 ratings
v1, 2016-09-17


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Map of the State of Arizona, with regions based on the complex geography of the state. (And partially the Indian tribes residing there.)

As a native Arizonan, it was great fun building a map of a place that I've explored just about every inch of, but I may have had a bit TOO much fun and used such excruciating detail that it will lag older phones. Woops.

In terms of gameplay, the map features a desert South with two jewels, the cities of Phoenix and Tucson. The Mogollon Rim separates the South with the rugged and varied North.
791 downloads, 4 ratings
v1, 2016-07-07


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This is the best europe map because the territories were not made too small so you don't have to zoom
1036 downloads, 3 ratings
v1, 2016-05-18